I wasn’t going to write about Brexit this month but you just can’t escape it. The most recent proposals from the UK government Chequers away day appear to pledge that we will stick to the EU animal health and welfare standards (I say “appear” as we have to see the detail and then see if the proposals are agreed by parliament and then agreed by the EU – two big “ifs” but that is all we have to plan around). This is good news for our high welfare, high provenance, high nature value beef and lamb. No hormone pumped beef would be allowed to undercut our home reared product. And the Scotch Lamb and Scotch Beef brands should be protected.
There is also a consultation out from the Scottish Government which sets out questions and ideas for post Brexit policy “Stability and Simplicity proposals for a rural funding transition period”. I urge you to read it and comment as the voice of crofters and hill farmers needs to be heard at least as loudly as the big farms of Aberdeenshire, Angus and the Lothians. Read more here……