Gathering 2024

22nd - 23rd November

Crofting: A tradition for the future

Caberfeidh Hotel, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis








Actively Sustaining Community

“What does crofting deliver today? Crofting still has a hugely important role in rural and island communities, as well as its significant contribution to Scotland’s sustainable food production. We want to reflect on how it has sustained communities in the past to help us define a resilient model of modern crofting and to set out what is needed to support this into the future. 

Event Highlights

Crofting & Community Landownership: Past, Present & Future

This will involve both a celebration of 100 years of community ownership of crofting estates in the Western Isles, and a solution-based conversation about how the relationship between crofters and community landowners can be strengthened going forward, for the benefit of both.

This event is being run in collaboration with Community Land Scotland’s Linn an fhearainn / 100 Years of Community Ownership programme

Ticket Price £15

Friday 22nd November

10 AM – 3.30 PM



Main Gathering

This will be a highly participatory event with a combination of reflective, inspirational and practical sessions

Ticket Prices:- Member £20; Non member Individual £40; Organisation £75

Saturday 23rd November

9:30 AM – 5.30 PM

Panel Discussion

Hear from Keynote Speakers:- Padruig Morrison, Sally Reynolds, Andy Wightman, Megan MacInnes, Jim Fairlie

Saturday 23rd November

11.00 AM – 11.45 AM

Afternoon Workshops

Topics available to choose from:- Agricultural Reform Route Map, Common Grazings, Animal Management, Biodiversity Audits, Croft Woodland Project, Crofting Bill

Saturday 23rd November

2.00 PM – 4.45 PM

Dinner and Entertainment

Drinks reception, sponsored by North Uist Distillery, followed by a 3 Course meal in the banqueting hall. Music by Padruig Morrison and friends

Price £35

Saturday 23rd November

7.00 PM


Padruig Morrison

Sally Reynolds

Andy Wightman

Megan MacInnes

Jim Fairlie






Join us at The Gathering

We believe that, with the right support, crofting traditions of sustaining local communities, retaining young people, enabling access to land, and nature-friendly, local food production can offer solutions to modern problems of depopulation, affordable housing, food security and climate & biodiversity breakdown.

However, these are challenging times and changes in policy do not always support the small-scale in general, or crofting in particular.