The convergence uplift was covered in the ‘Intra-UK Allocations Review’ led by Lord Bew ‘The Bew Review’ is very...
SFC Policy Positions
SCF response to a consultation on the future of the Land Court and the Lands Tribunal
SCF response to a consultation on the future of the Land Court and the Lands Tribunal October 2020
SCF response to UK Government consultation on the UK Internal Market white paper
Overall we accept the need for an organised internal market but this must be designed and agreed by all four UK...
SCF position on rewilding
SCF favour productive and purposeful use of land - which may include planting of native woodland. There is a great...
SCF position on Brexit deal
There is a ‘hard Brexit’ deal which is significantly inadequate and is likely to have a severe detrimental impact on...
SCF position on future rural support
This paper sets out the SCF position for the future of crofting agriculture. Currently, it assumes that the UK is...
SCF Good Food Nation Consultation Response
SCF are keen to see fundamental change to secure a socially and environmentally just food system in Scotland. We have...
SCF response to ‘Stability and Simplicity: proposals for a rural funding transition period’, Scottish Government consultation
The Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) has emphasised in its response to the government ‘Stability and Simplicity’...
SCF response to NCRA consultation July 2018
Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) has submitted a response to the National Council of Rural Advisors’ consultation on...
Crofting Consultation 2017 A consultation on the future of crofting law
The response we have had from our members and advisors to this consultation has been that they are, overall,...
Self Regulation Of Current Crofting System To Meet Modern Need
A discussion document raised on behalf of the Sleat General Grazings Committee. Alastair Culbertson, Chairman, Sleat...
SCF response to the CHGS
SCF response to the Scottish Government consultation on the review of the Croft House Grant Scheme (CHGS) 2015.Please...