The purpose of the consultation on the future of CAP direct payments (Pillar one) is to help the Scottish Government...
SFC Policy Positions
The Future CAP Direct Payments Consultation Briefing
“Crofting is under threat, probably as never before” Patrick Krause, Scottish Crofting Federation The...
SCF Response to SRDP Stage 2 Consultation
SCF response to the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Stage 2 Consultation. This consultation...
SRDP 2014-2020 Stage 2 Consultation Briefing
Background The Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Consultation is the second stage consultation...
SCF Response to the CAP Pillar 1 to Pillar 2 Transfer of Funds ‘mini-consultation’
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s proposal to transfer funds from pillar 1...
SCF response to Duty to Report
SCF response to the Duty To Report Form issued by the Crofting Commission for consultation.Read more…
SCF Response to Common Grazing Regulations Consultation
SCF Response to the Crofting Commission's Common Grazings Regulations Consultation.Read more…
SCF Response to SNH Consultation on Wildness Map
Further designations will erode the influence and local control which is essential if crofting communities are to...
SCF Response to SRDP Stage 1 Consultation
SCF response to the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020 Stage 1 Consultation.Read more…
Submission to the Land Reform Review Group
The Woodland Crofts Partnership (WCP) is a partnership of 3 third-sector organisations seeking to promote and develop...
SCF response to Crofting Commission Draft Plan Consultation
Thank you for inviting the SCF to read and comment on the draft of the first Crofting Commission Plan (The Plan). This...
Registers of Scotland Crofting Register Applications Forms Consultation
The SCF is pleased to be one of the consultations respondents to this consultation.There were 7 forms being consulted...