Fundamental to SCF is our belief in the crofting system and in crofting underpinning the future of the rural policy in the crofting counties. We are working to increase the contribution made by crofting to our communities by providing a range of valuable support services by crofters.
The Crofting Resources Programme (CRP), which is funded by the Scottish Rural Development Programme, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, aims to build capacity within the crofting community through collaborative activity. The CRP develops co-operation and assists networks of producers to utilise existing best practice. Crofter-led producer groups have considerable capacity to contribute to the aims of the Scottish Government Food Policy.
The programme assists crofting communities to make best use of the resources available to them in order to sustain the cultural heritage of crofting, its people and practices, and the rich environment and cultural landscape derived from extensive crofting land use.
For more information please see the Crofting Resources Programme (CRP) web page.
SCF would like to thank the the following organisations for supporting this programme.
This project is now completed.