Gaining Ground – Highland & Moray Social Crofting Network
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The Scottish Crofting Federation with funding from Highland and Moray LEADER are running a co-operation project within these regions. The project will run until May 2020 and is promoting the concept of “green care” i.e. the promotion of social, mental and physical wellbeing through working with the land and animals. The project is aimed at both crofters and smallholders living in the Highland and Moray regions, and is quickly gathering interest from a range of people including crofters, smallholders, service providers, social workers, teachers, support services and families interested in social crofting opportunities. A network is being developed to look at ways of supporting entry into this new labour market as a diversification opportunity.

The project is providing an opportunity to scope crofters and smallholders who currently provide services and look, in detail, at their voluntary or business models. A series of events are being organised to assess current interest, provide opportunities for learning journeys, promote and disseminate information, develop relevant factsheets and make recommendations for the future of a formalised network.